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Certifications & Awards
Morgan has been honored to receive recognition as an industry leader, innovator, technology visionary, and advocate for sustainability and diversity.
Industry Leadership
- Supply & Demand Chain Executive:
- Provider Pros to Know (7x)
- Green Supply Chains (6x)
- SDCE 100 “Recognizing the industry’s most innovative and transformational projects” (6x)
- 100 Great Supply Chain Projects (2x)
- Supply Chain Brain // 100 Great Supply Chain Partners
- Managing Automation // Business Model Mastery Award
- Aberdeen Group // Best Practices in International Logistics
- Armstrong & Associates // Who’s Who in International Logistics
- Cisco Systems //
- Growing With Technology, Innovators in Customer Relationship
- Supplier Appreciation Award, Excellence in Global Logistics (2x)
- Supplier Appreciation Award, Excellence in Diversity (3x)
- Supplier Appreciation Award, Excellence in Sustainability
- Supplier Appreciation Award, Excellence in Partner IT